example sentence
I walked to first base after the
pitcher threw four balls.
a pitch thrown outside the strike zone
If the ball gets to the baseman before
you do, you'll be out.
one of four "safe havens" to
be reached in turn by a runner
base hit
He had a good game, getting five base
hits altogether.
a play in which the batter hits the
ball into fair territory and gets at least to first base
He hit the ball so hard that his bat
was broken.
instrument made of aluminium or wood
that is used to hit the ball while batting
The batters wait in the dugout until
it's time to bat.
player whose job is to hit the ball
with a bat
Our catcher spends a lot of time
practising hand signals with our pitchers.
player who squats behind home plate
and catches pitches the batter doesn't hit
change up
One of his best pitches is his change
up as most batters can't spot it and they have trouble hitting it.
a slow pitch thrown with the same arm
action as a fastball, intended to deceive the batter
fair territory
He hit the ball over the fence, but it
wasn't over fair territory so it wasn't a home run.
area of the field from home base out
to the bottom of the home run fence and between the foul lines
fly ball
He hit a fly ball into the outfield
and a fielder caught it, so he was out.
batted ball that goes high in the air
foul ball
The hit went just outside the foul
line, so it was called a foul ball.
batted ball that goes outside the foul
foul line
If a ball lands on a foul line, it is
in fair territory.
lines extending from home plate
through 1st and 3rd bases to the outfield fence
foul territory
Umpires decide whether a hit is into
fair or foul territory.
all parts of the playing field outside
the foul lines
home run
Babe Ruth held nearly all the home run
records for many years.
a ball hit out of the playing field in
fair territory, scoring a run for the batter and any base runners
In professional baseball, a game
usually lasts for nine innings.
a period of play in which each team
bats until 3 batters are out
I hit the ball a long way, but a
fielder caught it and I was out.
to be dismissed, or to have one's turn
I was nervous because I'd already had
two strikes called and if another one was called I'd be out.
a strike is called if a batter swings
at a pitch and misses, or if the pitch passes through the strike zone without
being hit
strike zone
Different umpires have different ideas
on how big the strike zone should be.
the area over home plate and between
the batter's armpits and knees as he stands ready to bat
The fielder got the ball and tagged me
out just before I got to the base.
to get a runner out by touching them
with the ball or with the glove holding the ball
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